Worm holes

In 1935, using the general relativity theory two physicists Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen proposed the existence of the bridges through spacetime and hence they are named as Einstein-Rosen bridges. These bridges are those which connects two distant points of the universe creating a shortcut which could reduce the distance and time travel.
         The name Wormholes came into existence considering an example of an apple which contains interior delicious part as a 3-dimensional bulk or hyperspace. Now if a worm tries to enter one part of apple, it then reaches any other part of apple just creating a hole that is nothing but the shortcut appearing to any other part of apple.
        Wormholes contain two mouths, with a throat connecting the two mouths. The mouths are mostly like spheroidal in shape and throat might be stretched straight but it also may wind around taking a longer path than a conventional path.
         Now think of a 2-D sheet of paper, considering it has a fabric of spacetime. And if we consider a point 'A' at one side of paper and another point 'B' at the  other corner of paper. If we travel from point A to B by drawing a straight line which creates a long path. So just by folding or bending the spacetime in such a way that the two points meet and creating a hole from one point and reaching other point we create a shortcut to reach point B. In the same way bending the fabric of space time in such a way that two parts of universe meet at the point of singularity, we could travel any part of universe in short period of time.
          Although worm holes are mathematically predicted, but none have been discovered till date. And they are considered as useless for travelling because they exist in the microscopic level of 10^-³³ cms and also they collapse quickly as it is formed unless they contain " exotic matter" or " negative energy" that enables the Wormholes stay open and unchanging for a longer period of time. Negative energy repels the fabric of spacetime and prevents gravity from crushing a wormhole.
           And hence if a worm hole contain a sufficient exotic matter, either naturally or artificially added, it could theortically be used for sending information or even travellers through space.


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