
In 1928, Paul Dirac, a British physicist found an equation which could have two solutions, one for an electron with positive energy and another electron with an negative energy. But according to classical physics the energy of a particle must always be a positive number.
        Dirac actually meant was that for every particle in nature there should exist an antiparticle or antimatter. As just we can find an real proof example in case of equation x²=4, which has two solutions +2 and -2. Same way for every matter there should exist antimatter. Matter and antimatter are exactly same having same mass but with opposite spin. As such case of electron a negative charged particle there should be a positive charged electron ie., antielectron (positron).
          But when matter and antimatter come in contact produces an tremendous amount of energy in the form of gamma rays. It means that when they both come to contact due to oppositely charged, they both gets disappeared giving out tremendous amount of energy.
        So when electron collides with positron, the annihilated energy of 0.511 million electron volts are produced. According to Einsteins mass-energy relationship E=mc², the energy released by the annihilation of matter and antimatter converts entire mass into energy. (One gram of matter and one gram of antimatter when collided with each other could release energy equal to 2-3 nuclear bombs).
             The asymmetry of matter and antimatter in the universe is still an unsolvable mystery in physics. The process by which this inequality between matter and antimatter is developed is called baryogenesis.
              Baryogenesis is a hypothetical  process that took place during early formation of universe that produced asymmetric inbalances between matter(baryon) and antimatter (anti baryons) in the existing universe.


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