Quantum entanglement

     Quantum mechanics is not a completely understood theory as per scientific standards. There are some paradoxes yet to be accounted for. One of them was quantum entanglement. "When two particles say for example an electron pair when separated after being together, continue to remain entangled even after the separation of them by a large distances". It is like you and your roommate friend are separated from each other after being together for a long time, say by a distance of 100 kilometers, so sitting in your room, when you raise your left hand, your partner raises his right hand. But the question is how can a information travel faster than speed of light which was a big mystery? But later when we visit Einsteins legendary theory of relativity we find that nothing can go faster than speed of light.
         To make it still more clearer let us take an thought example of a photon(massless light particle) which travels at the speed of light and split each photon particle into two sub-photons using a technique called polarization in lab. Now if we retain a part of photon and send other part of photon to any end of universe and turn clockwise the photon which you have then the other part of photon instantaneously would spin in anticlockwise direction. And the question is: How did a tiny photon communicate to it's partner located at far end of universe within no time?
         Hence Einstein used to called it as a " Spooky action". There is enough proof for one of the stranger phenomenon of quantum entanglement within scientific labs but there is no rationally endorsed theory to support it...
          Quantum entanglement experiment was also carried out biologically on migratory birds. Quantum entanglement helps some migratory birds to navigate their way from one corner of the constituent to another, flying to and from distances of 13,000km or more. It is generally believed that migratory birds have an in-built compass that is based on measuring the angle between the Earth's magnetic field lines and surface of earth which helps them to navigate. And in experiment when birds were blindfolded, they were unable to navigate, despite the presence of magnetic field.
              According to the physicist Thorsten Ritz, a bird's eye has a type of molecule that has two electrons which are entangled. As we have seen earlier that two parts of electrons spin in opposite directions, resulting in overall zero spin. So if magnetic field is inclined, the difference in the chemical reactions in molecule, is translated into neurological impulses, hence produces map into birds brain.


  1. Judwa2 movie is a classic case of quantum entanglement then 😆


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